Fish Bowl
by Ngabo Wa Ganza
2020, Rwanda, 14mins
6:30pm – 8:00pm on Sept 26, 2021
About the movie
English— Confronted by his uncle on the night before his mother’s burial, an introverted artist is abruptly faced with his unforeseen feelings for a close friend.
French— “Confronté par son oncle à la veille de l’enterrement de sa mère, un artiste introverti est brusquement confronté à ses sentiments imprévus pour une amie proche.”
About the director
English — Ngabo Emmanuel, (known as Ngabo Wa Ganza) is an emerging filmmaker and visual Artist (expressionist) who works with media such as paper-m ch e and paint, based in Kigali – Rwanda. He also has experience working as a field sound recordist (or soundman). Having studied history in high school (advanced level), historical and cultural references take roots in influencing him during his creative process. There are also huge influences on him from local artists who put their personal experience in their artworks. Fish Bowl is his first short film.
French — Ngabo Emmanuel, (connu sous le nom de Ngabo Wa Ganza) est un cinéaste émergent et un artiste visuel (expressionniste) qui travaille avec des médias tels que le papier mâché et la peinture, basé à Kigali – Rwanda. Il a également travaillé comme opérateur de son sur le terrain (ou preneur de son). Ayant étudié l’histoire au lycée (niveau avancé), les références historiques et culturelles prennent racine en l’influençant pendant son processus créatif. Il est également très influencé par les artistes locaux qui mettent leur expérience personnelle dans leurs œuvres. Fish Bowl est son premier court-métrage.