Baby Blues

by Mamadou Socrate Diop

2021, Senegal France, 15 mins
2:15 pm on Sept 24, 2022
PG: Emotional. Language.

About the movie

English— Mathilde, pregnant, lives the last moments of pregnancy of a child whose heart has stopped beating. His assumed negligence, her changing moods, and their missed medical appointments quickly install an uneasiness in the couple. But, feeling her spouse is affected by the situation, she agrees to get closer to him to better anticipate the announced death of her baby.

Française— Mathilde, enceinte, vit les derniers moments de la grossesse d’un enfant dont le cœur s’est arrêté de battre. Sa négligence supposée, ses humeurs changeantes et leurs rendez-vous médicaux manqués installent rapidement un malaise dans le couple. Mais, sentant son conjoint affecté par la situation, elle accepte de se rapprocher de lui pour mieux anticiper la mort annoncée de son bébé.

About the director

English — Mamadou Socrate Diop is a young Senegalese director residing in France. In 2018, he directed WUUTU. BABY BLUES, his second film, completed at the end of 2021, produced by Ghost Production has been selected in many festivals including: Black International Film Festival, Vue d’Afrique, Roma prisma Award, Vancouver Black Film Festival, Emergence film Festival, Afrotalent, Afrobrix Film Festival, Mashariki Film Festival….
The film won the Jury Mention at the Luxor African Film Festival 2022, the Best Director Award and the Best Actor Award at the Kinshasa International Film Festival (Fikin) in 2022.
Currently he is in development for his third film “Lost Things”.
